Listen to interviews of REAL moms with all very different experiences that have made them who they are today. MOTHERHOOD IS HARD. Empowerhood is talking about all of the hard things that just aren’t talked about enough. When our reality doesn’t meet our expectations or when the impossible happens we feel the need to hide and endure it alone. Empowerhood is here to release these burdens and inspire mamas wherever you are in your motherhood journey that you are not alone. Every trial can be turned into a triumph, and we all have a story. Join us today!

The Weekly Podcast Discovering the "Why" Behind Each Incredible Mama.

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Finding solutions to the hard things life throws at moms. REAL women share their stories to ultimately help you know that you are never alone. And that you too are much stronger than you think you are.

Hard conversations

 From childbirth, illness, infertility, loss, pelvic floor health, exercise postpartum, SAHM, Career moms, domestic abuse, addiction, unplanned pregnancy, postpartum depression and much much more!

Not your average mom Podcast

We uncover the why behind each women. The businesses that have been started to encourage and bring resources to other moms. The personal experiences that were thought to break us made us stronger. 

Everyone has a story

What you'll find on the podcast..

Sharing your story instantly encourages others to share theirs and by doing so you release the burden of shame. Shame on thinking that if we have struggles, if we aren’t keeping up with what society tells us we should be doing, there is something wrong with us. When our reality doesn’t meet our expectations or when sh*t hits the fan we feel the need to hide and endure it alone. Listen in and release these burdens and and be inspired to find the help and resources you might need. 

i see you...

Our mission is to support women through motherhood by bringing awareness to the fact that we all go through hard times.

The imperfect Mom looking to connect with other moms, be encouraged and to know you are not alone in your struggles. 

We are doing the opposite of what *looks* good on Instagram... 

Getting down and dirty with the topics our society deems "uncomfortable", and the painful experiences we go through and pretend everything is just fine. 

What about the really important things like the healing of our body postpartum that we are not educated enough about?

From leakage, postpartum depression, to leaving your dream to become a SAHM. Let's talk about it all!!

I see you, because I was you! I struggled hardcore postpartum with sleep, Diastasis Recti and healing my pelvic floor. During this time I also felt very alone and that something was wrong with me. 

Empowerhood came about through the Flourish Everyday newsletter purely out of the love of hearing other moms stories. I started noticing a pattern.. that we all have struggles, hardships, and different experiences that don't hold us back but instead make us who we are today as mothers. Problem is they aren't talked about so we stay in suffering alone. 

Every single person has a story. This podcast is a team effort to uncover every struggle and put it out into the world to reach and encourage women everywhere. Empowerhood will also provide resources and support for anything you might be going through. 

meet  your Host

Hi--I'm Megan!

— Paula T.

"This changed my view of what being a mom meant and made me understand my value as a mom, wife, and myself."

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Jennifer Peters shares her incredible story of survival as a mom in a violent relationship. Jen not only tells us her journey from complete darkness, to escaping and building the life of her dreams but also helps us understand how to help other women going through the same thing.

"Domestic Violence. You are never alone."

Trainer and women’s gym owner Nora Matthew tells us all we need to know about strength training postpartum and beyond, and her own personal journey of recovery after having 4 (yes 4!) children. 

“Why you should strength train postpartum and how to get fit into your busy schedule. “

Upcoming episodes on 

Chelsea Kline photography talks with us about empowering women through boudoir photoshoots and how to embrace and love our bodies postpartum. We are so much more than a "mom bod". Curious about boudoir? Me too! don't miss this episode!

"Boudoir & body image"

Kyla Schimdt, founder of Mom Starts Here, tells us about her personal experience with unplanned pregnancy and how it fueled her to start a company helping families going through the same circumstances. MSH gives internal and external support for all the demands of parenting.

"Unplanned pregnancy. Get the support and resources you need."

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